Sunday, November 19, 2006
The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute released a new study on birth parent rights and well-being which finds that parents who choose adoption for their infants do not have their rights and needs sufficiently addressed in U.S. law and practice. Among other things, the report recommended that birth mothers be given at least a few weeks after childbirth before the adoption decision becomes irrevocable. The report also concluded that the rights of birth fathers deserve stronger protections, including notification of pending adoptions. Read the Press Release here and access the study here.
The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute released a new study on birth parent rights and well-being which finds that parents who choose adoption for their infants do not have their rights and needs sufficiently addressed in U.S. law and practice. Among other things, the report recommended that birth mothers be given at least a few weeks after childbirth before the adoption decision becomes irrevocable. The report also concluded that the rights of birth fathers deserve stronger protections, including notification of pending adoptions. Read the Press Release here and access the study here.