Saturday, April 21, 2007
We cannot say that Alec Baldwin's behavior will win any "Parent of the Year" awards. Nor do we buy his claim that he "was driven to the edge." However, we remind everyone that a parent who fails to pay child support may be in serious trouble, whereas a parent who interferes with the visitation rights of the other parent is unlikely to receive a reprimand from the Court. In this case it appears that Ms. Basinger has been interfering with Mr. Baldwin's visitation rights; according to the New York Times, "Ms. Basinger is facing trial on 12 misdemeanor counts of criminal contempt for allegedly disregarding court orders concerning Baldwin's visitation rights."
We cannot say that Alec Baldwin's behavior will win any "Parent of the Year" awards. Nor do we buy his claim that he "was driven to the edge." However, we remind everyone that a parent who fails to pay child support may be in serious trouble, whereas a parent who interferes with the visitation rights of the other parent is unlikely to receive a reprimand from the Court. In this case it appears that Ms. Basinger has been interfering with Mr. Baldwin's visitation rights; according to the New York Times, "Ms. Basinger is facing trial on 12 misdemeanor counts of criminal contempt for allegedly disregarding court orders concerning Baldwin's visitation rights."
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Although we have all gotten angry with our kids, he must be nuts to leave a voice mail like that. If he talks to her like that in private, as well, I wouldn't disagree that he deserves only supervised visitation with the daughter
Check out>1=7701 and>1=9246.
I read the comments and I read the comments on when who broke this story. The snapshot that Alec Baldwin presented of himself by recording his tirade leaves him at a disadvantage in the public eye. I do not doubt that his ex-wife may have helped create much of the animosity. She should have made certain the daughter was avaiable for the phone call, but Alec Baldwin looses this round and although I am sympathetic to the idea that he may have been alienated from his daughter by his ex, the daughter should be gravitating toward the parent she sees the least. At the same time I have to ask myself the question why the daughter was not available for the call. Either mom set him up and knew she would get the type of message that was left and then decided to make it public or the daughter has learned not to like dad because of his ability to regularly blow his stack. But once again the real victim here is the daughter. She's caught in the middle between two feuding parents who can't get their emotional baggage behind them and get down to the business of raising a child by providing the support that only an involved mother and father can provide.
Following is a post from 1ABSENT_DAD that presents the "other side of the picture."
Although Mr. Baldwin certainly shot himself in both feet on this one, we suspect that both parties share some of the blame--along with their lawyers who apparently want to fan the flames of animosity at one zillion dollars an hour between the two of them.
But the real question is this--why does the Family Court put up with this nonsense? It cannot be as powerless as it seems to be.
Yup Vietnam 1973 - 74 Daughter: 14 y/o currently (although she thinks she 21 - 22) LOL
Here is the airport incident:
Dear all,
Everyone, TAKE A MINUTE-TAKE A BREATH !!! How many of you know *personally* what it feels like to have a child that you held & cared for from birth *STOLEN* from you by a divorcing Mom - a Mom, who manipulated the (Mother-friendly) Court system to MOVE OUT OF STATE - over a thousand miles away and take your daughter with her ??? The EXTREME FRUSTRATION and STRESS - not to mention HEARTBREAK, HEARTACHE and DEPRESSION that follows - because now, the only contact you get is a "monitored" & "guarded" phone call ---> once a day - IF EVERYTHING WORKS PERFECTLY - IF ALL THE PLANETS ARE LINED UP ---> (timing & time zone differences, cell phone turned on and within hearing range - and now, with "caller ID - the absent child may or may not be allowed to answer the phone!). And, when you talk with your absent child - WHAT CAN YOU TALK ABOUT? You can't discuss your true hurt feelings - because that would be "discussing the court case - which violates the court order!".
Sure, you get your custodial time - which ends up being "a visit" - likened to the occasional visits to the Grandparents or Aunt/Uncles we all had as children. But wait... YOUR THE DAD !!!! I have been sooo angry off and on over the 12 years since my daughter was STOLEN from me ---> legally, with the Courts Blessing!
This past Christmas, my now, 14 y/o daughter, was about to board an airplane to return to her Mom's over 1,500 miles away, and neither of us would see one another for over 3 months! She had spoken to her Mom on the phone 15 minutes earlier - and apparently, her Mom has been pressuring her to spend more time at Mom's in the Summer's - as, I have had her entire Summers with me. Anyhow, as she began walking down the plane boarding loft - she turned and garbled something back at me like: "I don't want to spend the whole Summer with you!" I was STUNNED - I went to her and took hold of the strap of her backpack and led her over to an observation window back in the terminal... I told her: "What you have done is very cruel and hurtful!" "For you to tell me this right before boarding a plane to go over 15 hundred miles away and not see me again for 3 months is very hurtful and cruel!". I then said: "You just spent eleven days with me and we just had a relaxing hour long lunch before arriving to the airport, where you could have brought this up and we could have discussed it face-to-face." Again, I said: "What you have done is very cruel and hurtful to me." Now, go get on your plane and we will discuss this later.
I can tell you that I had one of the longest & lonely drives home I have ever had. My heart was broken. I was intensely angry that my Ex-wife had pressured my daughter to say this to me. I admit... for a few moments, I was suicidal and murderous. It opened up every wound I have suffered over the past twelve years of a very hostile custody battle and then separation from my daughter. I had embellished thoughts that "MY DAUGHTER DOESN'T LOVE ME - DOESN'T WANT TO SEE ME ANYMORE - DOESN'T WANT ME AS HER DAD ANYMORE - THAT I NO LONGER HAVE ANYTHING TO LIVE FOR".
I guess what I am saying is that in this "Mother-Friendly, Court System" that we still -in the year 2007- live in, Dad's become victims of an abusive legal system. DOES EVERYONE REALLY BELIEVE THAT IT IS ALWAYS "IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD" TO BE WITH THEIR MOTHER??? Why does a court system EVEN ALLOW *EITHER PARENT* TO EVER MOVE AWAY FROM ONE ANOTHER??? Certainly, if one parent gets the "bug up their butt" to move away - then it (still) should be the prior law precedent - go ahead, move away, BUT THE CHILD REMAINS WITH THE PARENT WHO IS *NOT* MOVING AWAY!!!
Do I empathize with Alec Baldwin's extreme frustration, stress, hurt & anger -->You Bet!
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Although Mr. Baldwin certainly shot himself in both feet on this one, we suspect that both parties share some of the blame--along with their lawyers who apparently want to fan the flames of animosity at one zillion dollars an hour between the two of them.
But the real question is this--why does the Family Court put up with this nonsense? It cannot be as powerless as it seems to be.
Yup Vietnam 1973 - 74 Daughter: 14 y/o currently (although she thinks she 21 - 22) LOL
Here is the airport incident:
Dear all,
Everyone, TAKE A MINUTE-TAKE A BREATH !!! How many of you know *personally* what it feels like to have a child that you held & cared for from birth *STOLEN* from you by a divorcing Mom - a Mom, who manipulated the (Mother-friendly) Court system to MOVE OUT OF STATE - over a thousand miles away and take your daughter with her ??? The EXTREME FRUSTRATION and STRESS - not to mention HEARTBREAK, HEARTACHE and DEPRESSION that follows - because now, the only contact you get is a "monitored" & "guarded" phone call ---> once a day - IF EVERYTHING WORKS PERFECTLY - IF ALL THE PLANETS ARE LINED UP ---> (timing & time zone differences, cell phone turned on and within hearing range - and now, with "caller ID - the absent child may or may not be allowed to answer the phone!). And, when you talk with your absent child - WHAT CAN YOU TALK ABOUT? You can't discuss your true hurt feelings - because that would be "discussing the court case - which violates the court order!".
Sure, you get your custodial time - which ends up being "a visit" - likened to the occasional visits to the Grandparents or Aunt/Uncles we all had as children. But wait... YOUR THE DAD !!!! I have been sooo angry off and on over the 12 years since my daughter was STOLEN from me ---> legally, with the Courts Blessing!
This past Christmas, my now, 14 y/o daughter, was about to board an airplane to return to her Mom's over 1,500 miles away, and neither of us would see one another for over 3 months! She had spoken to her Mom on the phone 15 minutes earlier - and apparently, her Mom has been pressuring her to spend more time at Mom's in the Summer's - as, I have had her entire Summers with me. Anyhow, as she began walking down the plane boarding loft - she turned and garbled something back at me like: "I don't want to spend the whole Summer with you!" I was STUNNED - I went to her and took hold of the strap of her backpack and led her over to an observation window back in the terminal... I told her: "What you have done is very cruel and hurtful!" "For you to tell me this right before boarding a plane to go over 15 hundred miles away and not see me again for 3 months is very hurtful and cruel!". I then said: "You just spent eleven days with me and we just had a relaxing hour long lunch before arriving to the airport, where you could have brought this up and we could have discussed it face-to-face." Again, I said: "What you have done is very cruel and hurtful to me." Now, go get on your plane and we will discuss this later.
I can tell you that I had one of the longest & lonely drives home I have ever had. My heart was broken. I was intensely angry that my Ex-wife had pressured my daughter to say this to me. I admit... for a few moments, I was suicidal and murderous. It opened up every wound I have suffered over the past twelve years of a very hostile custody battle and then separation from my daughter. I had embellished thoughts that "MY DAUGHTER DOESN'T LOVE ME - DOESN'T WANT TO SEE ME ANYMORE - DOESN'T WANT ME AS HER DAD ANYMORE - THAT I NO LONGER HAVE ANYTHING TO LIVE FOR".
I guess what I am saying is that in this "Mother-Friendly, Court System" that we still -in the year 2007- live in, Dad's become victims of an abusive legal system. DOES EVERYONE REALLY BELIEVE THAT IT IS ALWAYS "IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD" TO BE WITH THEIR MOTHER??? Why does a court system EVEN ALLOW *EITHER PARENT* TO EVER MOVE AWAY FROM ONE ANOTHER??? Certainly, if one parent gets the "bug up their butt" to move away - then it (still) should be the prior law precedent - go ahead, move away, BUT THE CHILD REMAINS WITH THE PARENT WHO IS *NOT* MOVING AWAY!!!
Do I empathize with Alec Baldwin's extreme frustration, stress, hurt & anger -->You Bet!
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