Saturday, May 12, 2007
We find it unbelievable that Carl Williams ended up owing $17,000 after his divorce in 2004 because his divorce attorney "failed to mention" that he was obligated to pay child support. Still, we think that the program mentioned in this article is exactly the kind of program we should be supporting.
Let's clear the jails of non-criminals, unite families, put "dead-beats" to work, and save some money.
We find it unbelievable that Carl Williams ended up owing $17,000 after his divorce in 2004 because his divorce attorney "failed to mention" that he was obligated to pay child support. Still, we think that the program mentioned in this article is exactly the kind of program we should be supporting.
Let's clear the jails of non-criminals, unite families, put "dead-beats" to work, and save some money.