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Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Could Paul Garfinkel and Jocelyn Cate be the worst Family Court Judges in South Carolina? Apparently the folks at http://www.crookedcivilservants.com/ think so.

These kinds of websites are a good idea in theory. However, in practice they may not be such a good idea. Those accused of wrongdoing are often not in a position to defend themselves. And even if the accusations prove to be unfounded, those who maintain these types of websites may not be able to respond to a money Judgment for defamation.

The existence of these types of Internet sites also make us wonder why anyone who could do something else would want to be a Family Court Judge and deal with these kinds of headaches.

Why?! Power, career stepping stone; Power, desire to do something good or affect change; Power, who knows what else may motivate them personally. But the end result is that the system has to police itself properly and if it cannot then the public needs to cry "foul." Injustice breeds action by people and for even the best non-custodical parent, Family Court is no level playing field. That is why we cannot tolerate mediocrity in our judges nor allow retaliatory vindication as acceptable behavior by legal representation. Where there's smoke, maybe there is fire.
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