Saturday, March 15, 2008
The Post and Courier reports Berkeley could seek jail bids soon. lillycollette posted the following comment to the article:
The Post and Courier reports Berkeley could seek jail bids soon. lillycollette posted the following comment to the article:
While we would not have said it so strongly, Lilly is correct in her assessment about the sometimes arbitrary contempt rulings in the Family Court. This issue should be explored thoroughly, especially when the Berkeley County Supervisor is suggesting that county citizens only receive part of the property tax rebate they anticipated receiving.Of equal importance is the need to severely curtail the --unbridled abuse -- of the powers of contempt by family court judges.
Facing a population crisis in our county jails we cannot continue to tolerate these idiotic morons being allowed to indiscriminately lock people up on the whim of “Because I said so”. Where these judges do not follow the law that is exactly what they are doing.