Friday, January 30, 2009
The Director of the South Carolina Department of Social Services is probably correct regarding her assertion that the recently discovered scam at DSS victimized the entire State of South Carolina to the tune of $5.5 Million. But this particular "victimization" pales in comparison to the victimization of the State caused by DSS's continuing failure to implement the federally mandated computerized child support collection system. Not only have fines assessed against the State reached almost $60 Million, but the aggregate arrearage owed to obligees in South Carolina is increasing by approximately $50 Million per year.
Maybe this situation will soon be rectified. Last year the South Carolina Legislature passed legislation requiring:
the Department of Social Services shall prepare a detailed report on the status of the Child Support Enforcement System. The report shall include, but not be limited to, actions currently being undertaken to become compliant with federal government requirements; the cost required to meet minimum federal guidelines; total funds spent so far on the system; the amount of fines assessed by the federal government associated with non-compliance; how much has been spent to satisfy actions taken by the state judicial system; and how much has been spent related to actions taken by any other entity which may have altered the amount required for meeting minimum federal guidelines. The report shall be submitted to the General Assembly by August 31st of the current fiscal year.
We have yet to have seen the required report, but we will post it here when, and if, we receive it.
Labels: Institutional Mismanagement, Problems at DSS