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Friday, February 27, 2009


The Post and Courier reported:
Other areas of the Charleston courthouse are likewise feeling the effects of downward budget concerns. Charleston Clerk of Court Julie Armstrong said this week that as the workload increases for everyone, her office still has mandated responsibilities.

Among them are ensuring that juries are available for all civil and criminal trials, and the federal requirement that child-support payments and wage garnishments go forward in short speed.

That alone is a tall order, she said, as more than $34 million in support payments move through the county each year.
If “$34 million in support payments move through the county each year” that means that $1.7 Million is generated in processing fees. And who knows how much is generated in fines and from the “float?” Shouldn't the General Assembly be asking questions about how much money is being generated through the Family Court by way of fines, interest, and support processing fees?

On a related issue, check out Lilly’s comment to this article:
Collusion by […] lawyers and a judge to harm the rights and interests of victims […] constitutes extreme and outrageous conduct which exceeds all possible bounds of decency and which must be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized community,"

And this happens in the family court a lot. Soooo, where the h*** are the lawyers who are alleged to be willing to clean up that putrefied mess?

Over the last eight years no one has been willing to man up to the plate on that one.
In view of the fact that a USC Law School Professor has raised serious questions about collusion, shouldn't the members of the General Assembly be concerned about these kinds of allegations? Or do they think that something like this cannot happen in South Carolina?

Last, check out the comments to this article regarding the money that was taken from the detainees, but which has never been accounted for either qualitatively or quantitatively. Shouldn't the General Assembly be asking questions about how much money is being generated through the County Jails through hidden surcharges, processing fees, and other revenue sources?

In short, everything is related.

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