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Saturday, February 21, 2009


The ACE Child Support Statistics cited in DSS problems challenge the credibility of Sanford's restructuring agenda are not the most current. They were based on NET UNDISTRIBUTED COLLECTIONS (UDC), FY 2005. More important, these figures do not represent the child support collection rates for the individual states. Rather, they represent the amount of child support that has been collected by the individual state child support offices, but which has not yet been distributed to the custodial (obligee) parents.

In other words, this is money that has been collected from the noncustodial (obligor) parents and is drawing interest, but which cannot be paid to the obligee parents because the State cannot locate the obligee parents.

Where is that multimillion dollar computerized child support tracking system when you need it?

Those who wish to read an explanation of the Undistributed Collections Chart should click Undistributed Collections, FY 2007. Those who wish to review the most current available statistics should click NET UNDISTRIBUTED COLLECTIONS (UDC), FY 2007.

DSS and the Family Courts of South Carolina have some major problems to solve, but if the members of the Legislature want to assist in solving these problems, they have to first understand the nature of the problems. Otherwise, they are just pandering to their constituents.

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