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Wednesday, March 25, 2009


According to The Toronto Star, “Chris Bosh, the face of Toronto's struggling NBA franchise, is being cast in U.S. court documents as a deadbeat father who broke up with his girlfriend when she was seven months pregnant, leaving her destitute and without medical care even as she fell ill.” Additionally, the paper reports, “The complaint, which contains allegations that have not been proven in court, says Bosh contested his paternity before genetic testing determined a 99.97 per cent probability that he is [the child’s] father” and “according to the documents, [the child] has laid eyes on her father but twice, both times in his hotel room when the Raptors were in town to face the Wizards.”

What is it with these pro athletes and their refusal to support their children? And how hard can it be to find these guys and initiate wage-withholding?

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. . . And these are the role models we hold up to our children.
I am sure that there are many pro athletes who do wonderful things and are excellent role models. However, we think that the player's union and the league owners could do a better job of making sure that these athletes are not only aware of their obligations to their children, but that they abide by them. We read constantly about people who are suspended without pay for marijuana possession, DUI, and for other off court behavior deemed "detrimental to the team." Yet a guy can get $150,000 behind on child support and the owners do not bat an eye.
On a related issue we note that that there seems to be little outcry over the fact that many of the failed banks who received "stimulus money" paid enormous sums of money for naming rights to pro stadiums. There are some exceptions, like http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/24/sports/basketball/24arena.html?_r=1&ref=sports, but this type of waste generally appears to go unchecked.
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