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Sunday, April 26, 2009


Why is new hire reporting required? The answer according to information available at this link is:
In 1996, Congress enacted a law called the "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act," or PRWORA, as part of Welfare Reform. This legislation created the requirement for employers in all 50 states to report their new hires and re-hires to a state directory.

New hire reporting speeds up the child support income withholding order process, expedites collection of child support from parents who change jobs frequently, and quickly locates non-custodial parents to help in establishing paternity and child support orders. New hire reporting helps children receive the support they deserve. Employers serve as key partners in ensuring financial stability for many children and families and should take pride in their role.

The preceding paragraphs are oddly familiar.


I don't need anymore paperwork to do for my business. The challenges I have to cope with ie licensing, taxes, insurance costs etc are enough already.
Federal Law already requires businesses in South Carolina to file this paperwork. And business owners and municipalities in all States but the State of South Carolina are already required to file this paperwork by State Law. Those who do not file the New Hire Reporting Forms risk fairly substantial fines. Those who do not like this Law should complain to their Congressman. But, keep in mind that it has been in effect for thirteen years and seems to accomplishing its intended effect.
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