Wednesday, December 23, 2009
As FITSNEWS predicted would happen, Judge Segars-Andrews has filed suit in the South Carolina Supreme Court. Moreover, for those who are interested, you can read the lawsuit and supporting material here.
As FITSNEWS predicted would happen, Judge Segars-Andrews has filed suit in the South Carolina Supreme Court. Moreover, for those who are interested, you can read the lawsuit and supporting material here.
It is interesting to note that The Post and Courier article reports "[The Judicial Merit Selection Commission's] 52-page decision also noted that the judge was sending instant messages and signed a Valentine's Day card while hearing arguments about her possible conflict of interest in the case. She replied that she was paying close attention and took detailed notes." This raises the question of whether she habitually multitasks while sitting on the Bench and whether she is often distracted.
People are not supposed to text while driving. And maybe texting while judging will prove to be Judge Segars-Andrews downfall. Still, whatever the outcome of this case, it is open season on judicial candidates of all stripes and persuasions in South Carolina. And only time will tell whether the Segars-Andrews case will stimulate needed reform and improve the pool of judicial candidates or whether it will only serve to discourage qualified candidates from offering for office.
Labels: Judicial Reform