Friday, February 25, 2011
We are pleased to announce that Alabama, Maryland, and Pennsylvania are, in the words of Earl Capps, no longer "missing" and that they are no longer on the South Carolina DSS Abandoned Property List. For example, click here to review the "Letter A" portion of the list.
Presumably, South Carolina has forwarded the child support payments it had collected on behalf of these three states to them. And although we still cannot understand why it took so long to complete such a simple task, we commend the South Carolina CSED for its persistence.
Here's hoping that CSED is now fired up and that it will not be another fourteen years before South Carolina installs a computerized child support tracking and collection system. South Carolina is facing an $800 Million budgetary shortfall and cannot afford to spend $10 Million per year on fines associated with the continued violation of federal law.
Labels: Computerized Child Support System, Institutional Mismanagement, Problems at DSS