Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Souza, et al. v. Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson, Bristol Civil Action No. 02-00870
You may be a plaintiff in a class action law suit filed in 2002 in the Bristol Superior Court challenging certain fees charged by Bristol County Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson. The Court has decided that this case covers all Bristol prisoners who paid any of the following fees under the Inmate Financial Responsibility Program:
- The $5.00 dollar per day "cost-of-care" fee;
- Fees for medical care;
- Fees for GED services or tests;
- Any haircut fee in excess of $1.50 per haircut.
In 2004, the Court ruled that these fees were unlawful and ordered the Sheriff to stop collecting them. On January 5, 2010, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts rejected the Sheriff's appeal. On January 7, 2011, the Court established a procedure to pay back the illegally seized fees.
If you want your money back, you must file a Claim Form by April 7, 2011. If you did not receive a Claim Form in the mail, you may obtain one by writing to:
Bristol County Jail Class Action
P.O. Box 2002
Chanhassen, MN
This is also the address where you must submit the Claim Form.
If you submit a Claim Form and it is approved, you will receive the amount of fees you paid, plus am additional 10% in interest. However, depending on the number of claims made, your actual payment might be reduced as a result of any attorneys' fees and expenses awarded by the Court.
Questions? visit or call Toll Free 1-888-764-4439.
Labels: Institutional Mismanagement, Misconduct, User Fees/Hidden Taxes
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