Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Those who want the background story may wish to review both the South Carolina New Hire Reporting Form and The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA). However, the long and the short of this issue is that the PRWORA mandates that all states which receive certain federal funds both set up a New Hire Reporting Registry and require that all employers—with limited exceptions--report new hires to the state Child Support Enforcement agency. South Carolina has created and posted the requisite forms on the Internet, but remains the only state that does not require mandatory reporting by employers.
So why would the South Carolina Senate refuse to make New Hire Reporting mandatory and thereby risk losing $80,000,000 per year in federal funding? Simple--the South Carolina business community considers mandatory reporting of new hires "anti-business" and "a burden on employers." And why would that be, one may ask? The answer is that the New Hire Reporting Form not only has to be filed in a timely manner, but that it contains the SSN (or Green Card #), D. O. B., and address of new hires and that the information on the submitted form is to be checked against a National Database. The South Homebuilders Association and the Chamber of Commerce--among others--oppose this legislation because, once it is enacted, businesses will not be able to hire undocumented immigrants below minimum wage, house eighteen undocumented Mexican workers in one apartment, avoid with-holding F. I. C. A., or avoid obtaining Worker's Comp Insurance. Moreover, once the New Hire Reporting Law goes into effect, businesses that fail to comply with the reporting requirements can be both audited and fined.
The bottom line is that if the South Carolina Senate would push forward on this legislation finding 70,000 “Deadbeats” would become much easier.
Labels: Child Support Collection, Dodging Child Support, Family Court Reform, Federal Fines, Problems at DSS